Cristian Bucchi concedes it has been difficult to replace Eusebio Di Francesco at Sassuolo and “change an approach they’ve had for six years.”

Alessio Romagnoli’s first half header and a Suso curler after the break proved enough to secure Milan’s 2-0 result at the Mapei Stadium.

The Neroverdi remain hovering just above the drop zone with two wins (both away from home), two stalemates and eight defeats.

Cristian Bucchi concedes it has been difficult to replace Eusebio Di Francesco at Sassuolo and “change an approach they’ve had for six years.”

Alessio Romagnoli’s first half header and a Suso curler after the break proved enough to secure Milan’s 2-0 result at the Mapei Stadium.

The Neroverdi remain hovering just above the drop zone with two wins (both away from home), two stalemates and eight defeats.

It’s safe to say where the problems lie, as they have scored only six goals this season, conceding 21.

“Naturally we need to improve, because the results and our position in the table are not suited to a club like Sassuolo,” Bucchi told Mediaset Premium.

“We did some good things, but not enough, and above all we continue to make some really stupid mistakes that you will pay for at this level.

“We aren’t doing the things we practice in training and there seems to be a mental block, this pressure on the squad, despite the club being very reassuring.

“I know that being a Coach means you are always in the balance and that is part of the job. I work daily, then the club will always make its decision.”

Bucchi was brought in this summer after Di Francesco, who famously took Sassuolo to their first ever Serie A campaign all the way into the Europa League, left for Roma.

“When inheriting a team, you must understand their characteristics. Last season this squad was third from bottom in terms of possession, so spent a lot of time making vertical passes and pushing forward.

“Obviously, it’s not easy to change an idea and an approach they’ve had with the same Coach for six years. There were very deep roots and I didn’t want to rip those out, but rather modify it a little with more possession, more passing and to make the most of the characteristics of the forwards at my disposal. It’s not clear yet, but that is the work we are doing.”

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