Brocchi: ‘Critics fire me up’

Milan Coach Cristian Brocchi says criticism “really fires me up”, and wants to same reaction from his team.

The former midfielder is under pressure already, having taken just one-point from the last two games against relegation battlers Verona and Frosinone.

“The criticism?” Brocchi considered in his Press conference ahead of the Bologna game.

“It really fires me up, my duty is to transmit that to the team. We discussed that this week, I was hoping to see the right answers and I got important respsonses.

Milan Coach Cristian Brocchi says criticism “really fires me up”, and wants to same reaction from his team.

The former midfielder is under pressure already, having taken just one-point from the last two games against relegation battlers Verona and Frosinone.

“The criticism?” Brocchi considered in his Press conference ahead of the Bologna game.

“It really fires me up, my duty is to transmit that to the team. We discussed that this week, I was hoping to see the right answers and I got important respsonses.

“I will always teach my players as long as they have the will to fight and to react. I’ll never tell my players they aren’t up to it, for me they’re the strongest of all.

“If they want to do their best, they need to have great self-esteem, which doesn’t mean being arrogant.

“Every player has to go onto the pitch wanting to show his qualities.

“In Verona we didn’t have a great game, the disaster was from 1-1 onward because the team became disunited.

“Things went differently in the match against Frosinone. It’s always said that Milan are in trouble when they’re down, but instead of that we saw a reaction on Sunday.

“Playing with the atmosphere at San Siro right now is not easy. I told the lads they didn’t give enough at the start of the game on Sunday, but they fought until the end.”

The club’s joint-CEO Adriano Galliani was in Madrid this week, is there a fear he was looking for a new Coach?

“Galliani went to Madrid because [Real Madrid President Florentino] Perez invited him.

“The rumours about meetings are false. I don’t think about these things, they don’t concern me. I just have to think about my work and the game tomorrow.”

Mario Balotelli missed a penalty against Frosinone, does that mean he’ll be off spot kicks from now on?

“I’ve never got involved in the discussion about penalties,” Brocchi shrugged.

“There’s a penalty taker, but the lads must agree. The only thing I want clarity on is who is taking the kick, I don’t want to see bickering about who is going to shoot.”