Flavio Briatore blasts ‘arrogant’ Luciano Spalletti for the ‘biggest disaster in the history’ of the Italy team at EURO 2024 and reveals what Max Allegri told him about how the Nazionale should play.

The Azzurri came into the tournament as reigning Champions of Europe, but were eliminated in the Round of 16 during a 2-0 defeat to Switzerland.

This prompted a tidal wave of criticism against coach Spalletti for his style of play and FIGC President Gabriele Gravina for the handling of the entire situation.

Both refused to consider resigning, insisting this was only the start of a long-term project, but there are now calls for former Juventus boss Allegri to be drafted in.

“The elimination from the Euros was a shock, the biggest disaster in the history of the Italy team,” former Formula 1 chief and businessman Briatore told Radio RAI GR Parlamento.

“There was chaos, it looked like the players were in their first match together, their heads were down, they couldn’t figure out which position to be in. I didn’t understand the decision to start Nicolò Fagioli either.

“Perhaps Spalletti was too arrogant. He did not create a group, it was a bunch of scared kids, even players like Federico Chiesa and Nicolò Barella looked like they had no character. Giorgio Chiellini was no Pele, but he didn’t give up and would fire up his teammates.

“Losing can happen, but the way we lost was unacceptable. At the final whistle it was almost as if our players were happy, or at least relieved it was over.”

Briatore spoke to Allegri about Italy ideas

Briatore not only has a clear idea of who should replace Spalletti going forward, but even spoke directly to his chosen candidate during the Round of 16 tie.

“Allegri would be a top coach in my view. He wouldn’t have the same pressure of every day club football and already has so much experience. I spoke to him during the Switzerland game: he told me we have to play like Italy do historically, without trying to copy other countries. We are not Spain.

“In the last Euros, we won not because we were the best squad, but we were very united. If Gigio Donnarumma hadn’t been performing miracles, we’d have conceded five goals in every game this tournament. At this moment, we do not have players up to the standards. No wonder Donnarumma is the only one who plays abroad.”

Allegri was fired by Juventus after winning the Coppa Italia, following a reported row behind the scenes with director Cristiano Giuntoli.

Spalletti was drafted in on September 1 when Roberto Mancini handed in his resignation, just days before two crucial EURO 2024 qualifiers.

“Once Mancini realised the level of players we had, he preferred to leave and not be embarrassed. I’ve understood that now and I don’t blame him,” concluded Briatore.

14 thought on “Briatore: ‘Spalletti arrogant, Allegri told me how his Italy would play’”
  1. Briatore is a clown. No, we are not Spain, but we can actually be better. Historically if you look at our offensive players, we have legends and they could have adapted to this style. Sorry Flavio, you are a cheater and Allegri would set back Italy a decade. Not thanks.

  2. That’s all we need is Allegri . Conte or gasperini would be best since they can turn around not so good players

  3. Oh God no. Stick to your F1 and stay away from football. Its not about how Italy played historically. He would have us go back to not only loosing but but playing dreadful football. Italy won the last Euro by playing good football. The problem is Italy hired a lazy coach who really would rather be on a Siesta.

  4. What’s it got to do with Briatore? Be as well asking any loudmouth in the pub, the guy knows nothing about football. Typical arrogant “businessman” who thinks because he made a few lire through various shady enterprises that he’s an expert in everything.

  5. Allegri is one of the least progressive coaches in Serie A. I would not want him to take charge. We will be going back by decedes. He is completely out of touch with modern football.

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