Milan captain Leonardo Bonucci says the arrival of Gennaro Gattuso united the team – “he never stops telling us how important this shirt is”.

The former midfielder replaced Vincenzo Montella in November, and the Rossoneri haven’t lost since a 2-0 reverse to Atalanta on December 23.

“Sitting on the Milan bench, despite having a great history as a Rossoneri player, was not easy,” Bonucci told Milan TV.

“There was a lot of pressure when he arrived, more than is deserved for a Coach coming newly to a bench.

Milan captain Leonardo Bonucci says the arrival of Gennaro Gattuso united the team – “he never stops telling us how important this shirt is”.

The former midfielder replaced Vincenzo Montella in November, and the Rossoneri haven’t lost since a 2-0 reverse to Atalanta on December 23.

“Sitting on the Milan bench, despite having a great history as a Rossoneri player, was not easy,” Bonucci told Milan TV.

“There was a lot of pressure when he arrived, more than is deserved for a Coach coming newly to a bench.

“However, he was good at pulling out the mentality of this club and passing on what he acquired over years as a Milan player, he managed to put the pieces of the puzzle together again.

“Now we’re a machine that goes, but we still have to improve in every aspect.

“He never stops telling us every day how important the Milan shirt is and how much you should honour it every time you step on the pitch in training or in a match.

“The hits we took allowed us to improve and then Gattuso came in and was able to unite the man with the skills of every player.

“What he conveyed to me right away was what he said during his first speech, in which he made each individual feel important.

“It some games to put together all the pieces, but from that first speech it was understood that the music had changed.

“The past only counts for points in the table, we don’t set limits and this team can have its say in the last three months of the season.

“I’m very attached to the theory of the precedent. My theory of the precedent says that I arrived at Juventus in the Europa League preliminaries, and we had a difficult season.

“Then the following year we all know how it went, so I put my trust in that.”

The Diavolo have reverted to a back-four since Gattuso arrived, and Bonucci has formed a formidable partnership with Alessio Romagnoli.

“When you play a lot with the same partner you get to know him and you know where you can help him, and vice versa.

“Alessio has made a great improvement since the beginning of the year, he has found faith in himself and now he is doing well.

“He is one of the talents that was in vogue in Italy, now we are building something important and I hope that for the future of the National team he continues to improve.”


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