Leonardo Bonucci explains his ‘eat more pasta’ rant at UEFA EURO 2020 and prepares Italy for Bulgaria. ‘I heard people talking about England inevitably winning.’

The Azzurri resume their 2022 World Cup qualifying campaign against Bulgaria tomorrow evening at the Stadio Franchi in Florence at 19.45 UK time (18.45 GMT).

It is the first match since their triumph at Wembley Stadium in the Euros and Bonucci’s now famous rant about people needing to eat more pasta.

“I had just heard in the days before the final so many people talking about England inevitably winning. What happened on the pitch showed a very different reality,” said Bonucci in today’s press conference.

“So many had said we would certainly go out in the Round of 16 or the quarter-finals, so I just let loose against all those who didn’t believe in us.

“Now we have come back together with great enthusiasm, the emotion of seeing friends and teammates who will always be bonded by that experience and that trophy.

“We hit the reset button and start again, sitting down at the table aware we are strong, but with humility.”

Bulgaria have just one point from three games in this group, whereas Italy are top on nine and Switzerland have won both their matches.

“We had a difficult game here last year against Bosnia and this could be similar. Bulgaria are good at sitting back and going on the counter, but I am sure we’ll play a great game pushed forward by the fans.”

2 thought on “Bonucci explains his EURO 2020 pasta rant”
  1. Not a fan of Bonucci the man/person, but he has nothing to answer for. He didn’t insult anyone and nor did he use offensive language. I lost count the amount of times England fans threw abuse at opposing fans on social media. Not to mention the booing of national anthems and of course the laser pen incident. The amount of ignorance spewed not only by their fans but so called pundits live on TV was always going to ultimately get slapped down. And we did it whilst playing great football, and getting them to park the bus inside their own stadium from the 5th minute.

  2. Ha! They’re characters them two. And Bonucci was right. Even after the Belgium game, in which Italy were almost perfect, some pundits criticised + a lot of fans were focusing on the Immobile ‘incident.’ Everyone said they’d lose after the Austria + Spain games + then they showed their quality again in the Final. Italy’s players tend to improve when they play for their national side + they showed everyone that Italy can play with speed, power, flair + intensity, with progressive style + panache!

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