Bonaventura: ‘Limited in three-man midfield’

Milan’s Giacomo Bonaventura feels playing in the centre of a three-man midfield “limits my qualities a bit”.

The 26-year-old is capable of playing a number of positions, and so far this season has played wide-left, trequartista and central midfield.

“I’ve played as the central midfielder in the midfield three,” Bonaventura explained to Milan Channel.

“I did well getting a goal and blending-in, but I think when you play in that role you have to play more sensibly and with less fantasy.

Milan’s Giacomo Bonaventura feels playing in the centre of a three-man midfield “limits my qualities a bit”.

The 26-year-old is capable of playing a number of positions, and so far this season has played wide-left, trequartista and central midfield.

“I’ve played as the central midfielder in the midfield three,” Bonaventura explained to Milan Channel.

“I did well getting a goal and blending-in, but I think when you play in that role you have to play more sensibly and with less fantasy.

“Maybe playing in central midfield limits my qualities a bit, but I try to give my contribution in any case.

“I’ll leave it to the experts, I have to concentrate on what I can do by giving my all. Obviously I’m happy to have been decisive in many games.

“I think I might still earn a prestigious call to the national team.

“I came through as a left-midfielder in a 4-4-2, and I’m good in that role. [Italy CT Antonio] Conte is taking me into consideration, and there’s a lot of competition.

“In the last games I’ve played in a way that can enhance my skillset. I can and have to only think about Milan, I can’t let my performances drop in this shirt.

“The European Championships is one of my goals, and Conte will make his choices accordingly. I just have to think about doing as well as possible with Milan.”

The Rossoneri triumphed 4-1 against Sampdoria at the weekend, but Bonaventura assures they won’t be resting on their laurels.

“We played with a new system, playing the game with a good attitude. We have to address the upcoming games in the same way.

“We can’t feel strong because we won 4-1, we want to recover as many points as possible before the Christmas break.

“At the end of the match we were calm and happy, because we knew we’d played a good game and we could work calmly during the week.

“However, I repeat, we must put this game behind us and think about the upcoming games where, on paper, we’re favourites and we have to think about doing as well as we did with Sampdoria.”