Bologna staff clear of COVID-19

Bologna are breathing a sigh of relief after Sinisa Mihajlovic’s staff member twice tested negative for COVID-19, so normal training can resume.

The club was on red alert yesterday when announcing that a member of the coaching staff was ‘suspected’ positive for coronavirus.

However, today there were two swabs taken in the space of several hours, as well as blood tests, and all of them came back negative.

Bologna are breathing a sigh of relief after Sinisa Mihajlovic’s staff member twice tested negative for COVID-19, so normal training can resume.

The club was on red alert yesterday when announcing that a member of the coaching staff was ‘suspected’ positive for coronavirus.

However, today there were two swabs taken in the space of several hours, as well as blood tests, and all of them came back negative.

It suggests yesterday’s test was a false positive with some contamination or error giving an incorrect result.

Bologna can therefore go back to regular contact training from tomorrow.

Under the medical protocol, if a single member of staff or player in a Serie A club tests positive for COVID-19, the entire group has to be isolated into a training retreat for 14 days.

While the individual is quarantined by himself, the others can continue training, but not return home for two weeks.