Coach Roberto Donadoni says 'dominating the game is not enough' after Bologna's 0-0 against Carpi: 'You must also convert your chances'.

Today's game marked the third consecutive goalless draw in Serie A for the Felsinei, suggesting the team has some real trouble finding the back of the net.

Coach Roberto Donadoni says 'dominating the game is not enough' after Bologna's 0-0 against Carpi: 'You must also convert your chances'.

Today's game marked the third consecutive goalless draw in Serie A for the Felsinei, suggesting the team has some real trouble finding the back of the net.

“The lads did their best, but perhaps we lacked lucidity at the moment of finalising,” Donadoni told the Press. “We lacked that extra touch of nastiness, our opponents had it and they were also more determined. They often anticipated our moves.

“Today we commanded the game again. The mentality that the players are acquiring is important and positive.

“Of course, it's insufficient to just dominate a game. You also have to convert your chances.”


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