Milan and Croatia legend Zvonimir Boban has taken a hardline stance on European football’s governing body following his resignation from the role of Chief of Football earlier this year, claiming that some of UEFA’s representatives ‘think they are bigger than the game.’ 

Boban was appointed as UEFA’s first ever Chief of Football in 2021, but resigned back in January over proposals to change the organisation’s statutes, which could have led to President Aleksandar Cerefin staying on for longer than a third term. 

In an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport published on Thursday morning, Boban admitted that he left his UEFA role due to his moral beliefs, and admitted that he had been ‘of no use’ towards the end of his time with the governing body. 

His time away from the game in 2024 has allowed Boban to spend some valued time with his family and loved ones. 

“I’ve enjoyed living a normal life. Family and friends, taking advantage of the time I never had,” Boban told La Gazzetta dello Sport, “Enjoying my hobbies: books, cards and chess. Of course between one game and another I watch every league, with the same passion as before.”

Boban slams UEFA: ‘Think they’re bigger than the game’ 

Boban expanded on his time with UEFA and why he felt it necessary to resign back in January. 

“I’ve made lots of compromises in my life, I’m ashamed of some of them. But, with the pure politics of those who besmirch the world of football in order to defend their own interests, it was not possible to continue. 

“And believe me, despite my role being very prestigious, the decision to step away because of my beliefs was still a painful decision.

“Unfortunately, for years we have seen that technocracy is rampant in the football system, depriving it of the values that it should represent and defend. These people think they are more important than the game, the players, the coaches, the supporters. 

“Despite fighting for changes in UEFA, like at FIFA, I have been of no use.” 

Boban admitted that he has not spoken to Cerefin, UEFA’s President, since his resignation earlier this year/ 

“I’m sorry about how our relationship ended,” Boban said on the matter. 

He was also asked for his response to those who suggest he could challenge Cerefin for the UEFA Presidency.

“Whoever says so is wrong, I have no intention of doing so, but a real football man would be very useful for UEFA,” he said. 

2 thought on “Boban slams UEFA after resignation: ‘Think they are bigger than the game’”
  1. And that’s why Super League needs to happen, so giants clubs can silence those arrogant people at UEFA, also FIFA.

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