Berlusconi on Montolivo, Balo & Inzaghi

Milan President Silvio Berlusconi has admitted that Riccardo Montolivo’s injury is a ‘big loss’.

The midfielder is set to miss six months after breaking his leg in Italy’s 0-0 draw with Republic of Ireland on Saturday.

Milan President Silvio Berlusconi has admitted that Riccardo Montolivo’s injury is a ‘big loss’.

The midfielder is set to miss six months after breaking his leg in Italy’s 0-0 draw with Republic of Ireland on Saturday.

And after visiting the club captain in hospital this afternoon, the Rossoneri chief has conceded that the injury is blow.

“Our captain is a wonderful person and his injury is a big loss,” he is reported as saying.

“It will take 3 months for Montolivo to recover, and then it will take another 2 months before he is fit enough to play.”

Berlusconi then commented on whether Pippo inzaghi will be announced as their new Coach soon.

“We will have a meeting with the management at Casa Milan to decide what to do.”

The former Prime Minister then remarked on rumours that Mario Balotelli could be sold and potential incomers to San Siro.

“We're still a long way from making any decisions. We're looking into the possibility of signing new players, but we have to wait until we have chosen the new Coach.”