Berlusconi: Coach and I together

A Dino Zoff impersonator managed to gleam a few details about Milan out of Silvio Berlusconi, including his relationship with Pippo Inzaghi.

A Dino Zoff impersonator managed to gleam a few details about Milan out of Silvio Berlusconi, including his relationship with Pippo Inzaghi.

The club President inadvertently appeared yesterday evening on Radio 24 programme ‘La Zanzara’ – The Mosquito – talking to Andro Merku, believing he was Dino Zoff.

“When one is President of a football club, it’s pretty clear that it’s down to the club to dip into the transfer market,” Berlusconi said when prompted for comment on working with Inzaghi as Coach.

“But at the same time, the club must have a close relationship and cooperation with the manager because if the club decides to play three strikers upfront, that is a centre forward and two wingers, then you need to work towards that direction.

“But if you decide to play with two strikers and a traditional No 10, it’s two different directions. So in my opinion it’s clear that club and manager should share the same vision of how the team plays…”

In the aftermath of the defeat against Juventus and then the draw against Empoli, Berlusconi reiterated that Milan would win if they followed his advice. In his pre-match Press conference, Inzaghi refused to comment the president’s words.

The fake Zoff asked him what had really happened with the manager. To this, Berlusconi replied: “The Press took a sentence I said in a political convention with 300 youngsters.

“They told me ‘Mr President, keep going to Milanello, make sure you always go to Milanello’ and then I must have said something like ‘Yes but then one should follow what it’s been agreed together’.

“I must have said something like that. And then the Press takes something like that and twist it as they want.

“I know this because I’ve been here trying to defend my country’s freedom in these last 20 years and they have done all and some to me.

“They have attacked my serenity, my time, my image, my personal prestige and my wealth, trying to destroy it.”

Then the Zoff impersonator went on to ask him why he had labelled the former goalkeeper and manager ‘shameful’ after France had beaten Italy in the Euro 2000 Final in Rotterdam – Zoff resigned after reading Berlusconi’s comments about him the following day in the papers. To this, Berlusconi vehemently replied that he had never called the Coach that, blaming the media in this circumstance too.

Adriano Galliani, in talking to reporters this morning, commented that he had not yet spoken with Berlusconi about this ‘interview’ with the fake Zoff.