Bergomi: ‘I had coronavirus’

Former Inter hero Giuseppe Bergomi has revealed he had coronavirus whilst working as a TV pundit and confessed he ‘underestimated’ the disease.

The former Italy international admitted to having tested positive for antibodies after worrying about his ‘sense of smell’ and revealed he ‘couldn’t sit down due to strong pain in my back’.

Former Inter hero Giuseppe Bergomi has revealed he had coronavirus whilst working as a TV pundit and confessed he ‘underestimated’ the disease.

The former Italy international admitted to having tested positive for antibodies after worrying about his ‘sense of smell’ and revealed he ‘couldn’t sit down due to strong pain in my back’.

“I did a serological test and my result came back positive for IgG and negative for IgM. At the beginning of March, I was sick. I had problems with my sense of smell and in my back, but not with my lungs,” he told Ciccio Valenti on Instagram, according to the Corriere dello Sport.

“Now, luck wanted me to have the antibodies, but they explained me that it won’t protect me 100 per cent because the virus changes. If I will get it again, I should get a light version.

“I wasn’t afraid, but I always felt cold, I had to use two heaters. I thought it was a flu, instead I was positive.

“My friends made fun of me and told me I was thinking too much about it, but I was not well, I was always in pain, I was weak. I couldn’t sit down because of the pain in my back, I was always on my feet.

“They told me that I was best not to take anti-inflammatory. After a while, the pain went away, but everything lasted for 20 to 25 days. Now, I’m doing great, I started running again. I only did the serological test, I tried to do the swab, but they told me that after 30 days I should be OK.”

But he confessed that he didn’t behave correctly during the illness, revealing he continued as the coach at the Inter Academy and in his role on TV.

“I was a fool, I underestimated it. On February 21, I had the last training session and one of the boys had pneumonia, from there on we didn’t play anymore,” he added. “On February 26, I was in Naples to comment on the match against Barcelona, then I was in Perugia to watch the match against Benevento.

“In my opinion, I underestimated it before, I’ve been in too much contact with people.”