Napoli sporting director Riccardo Bigon says Rafael Benitez’s future will be clear ‘in two or three months’.

The Coach’s contract expires at the end of the season, and the Spaniard has yet to commit to a new deal with the Partenopei.

“Benitez? We’ve gotten to know a wonderful person, and a great professional, both he and his staff,” Bigon told Mediaset.

Napoli sporting director Riccardo Bigon says Rafael Benitez’s future will be clear ‘in two or three months’.

The Coach’s contract expires at the end of the season, and the Spaniard has yet to commit to a new deal with the Partenopei.

“Benitez? We’ve gotten to know a wonderful person, and a great professional, both he and his staff,” Bigon told Mediaset.

“In two or three months we’ll have a clear picture of the future, but we must focus on the near future, the next five months which we’ll go into together with Benitez.”

The director also discussed last night’s Coppa Italia victory over Inter, describing it as ‘a great thrill’.

“Yesterday the stadium was packed, and our fans are always decisive in giving the team a boost on nights like this.

“It was a great thrill to win an intense match like that against Inter in the last minute.

“This season our goal was to stay in the hint for as many objectives for as long as possible, and we’re succeeding on all fronts.”


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