Juventus defender Medhi Benatia sets lofty goals for the coming season – “we want to win all the trophies we’re involved in”.

The Moroccan international has joined the Bianconeri on loan from Bayern Munich, and is looking to compete for the Champions League.

“Don’t forget that two years ago Juve were in the final of the Champions League and were unlucky against Bayern last season,” Benatia pointed out in an interview with mountakhab.net.

Juventus defender Medhi Benatia sets lofty goals for the coming season – “we want to win all the trophies we’re involved in”.

The Moroccan international has joined the Bianconeri on loan from Bayern Munich, and is looking to compete for the Champions League.

“Don’t forget that two years ago Juve were in the final of the Champions League and were unlucky against Bayern last season,” Benatia pointed out in an interview with mountakhab.net.

“This is a team that was already strong, and I think it’s been strengthened with the arrival of Gonzalo Higuain in particular, as well as all the other quality players who joined the club this summer.

“Obviously when a club invests like that, the message is clear. The priority is to win the League, because if we can do it this year it’ll be six consecutive Scudetti and that would be a record no other club has been able to achieve.

“Then there’s the Coppa Italia and the Champions League. I won’t hide that we want to win all the trophies we’re involved in and working for.

“Before us are opponents who will try to cause us problems, but we have to start the matches with the mentality that we must win it all this season.”

To break into the team, Benatia will have to unseat one of the famous BBC defence – Andrea Barzagli, Leonardo Bonucci and Giorgio Chiellini.

“They weren’t just strong during the Euros, it’s been that way for several years. They’re three great players, they might be the best in the world in their positions, especially when they play together since they know one another so well.

“I know that at Juve there are 55 games to play, so we’ll need everyone. This year we can see that every position is well-stocked, whether that’s defence, midfield or attack – there are top players all around.

“I don’t really think about competition, just about training well. When the Coach [Max Allegri] calls on me I’ll give my all.

“There’s competition everywhere, if you look at Barcelona, Real Madrid or Bayern Munich. I think every team which wants to win every trophy needs 20 players of the same level, not just 11.

“This year I think Juve are lucky to have good players in every position and that’ll be a strength for us.

“I hope above all to be fit and not injured. It’s well-known that I had a lot of injuries in the past two years in Germany. Every day I pray injuries stay away, that’s the most important thing for me.

“I’m here to help my team, and I’m available to the Coach. When I go to sleep at night I don’t think about starting, but about working and being in shape. That’s all that interests me.

“The most important thing now is to continue to work – above all physically – to be ready for the new season.

“In a team like Juve you play a lot of games, almost three matches a week and so now is the time to do physical work so we’re all fit.

“Personally I’m getting on well with my teammates on the pitch and I was lucky enough to score two goals but they were friendly matches so it’s not very important.

“I like the Italian mentality a lot and I’m very happy to be at an Italian club like Juve. It’s just a joy to be here really.”

The centre-back also revealed advice from his national team Coach Herve Renard.

“When I called to tell him I was going to Juventus he was very happy for me, because he knew I wanted to go back to Italy.

“Like he said to me, Juventus are a great club so I was leaving one great club to join another on the same level.”

Finally, Benatia was asked about his relationship with Miralem Pjanic, with the pair having played together at Roma.

“Sure, he’s a very good friend of mine. Everyone knows the ties of friendship which bind us since our moves to Roma. It’s a good thing for me to have a friend like him in the team.

“Apart from him, there are good lads in this squad and everyone wants to work well. There’s a good mentality.”


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