Torino striker Andrea Belotti urges fans to have faith in Italy’s youngsters – “trust us”.

The Granata man is one of a number of youngsters included by CT Giampiero Ventura, and he addressed the media in a Press conference today.

“Trust us,” Belotti implored.

“There are a lot of interesting young players who are showing what they can do. We know that if we’re given the chance we’ll give our all and repay the faith shown in us.

Torino striker Andrea Belotti urges fans to have faith in Italy’s youngsters – “trust us”.

The Granata man is one of a number of youngsters included by CT Giampiero Ventura, and he addressed the media in a Press conference today.

“Trust us,” Belotti implored.

“There are a lot of interesting young players who are showing what they can do. We know that if we’re given the chance we’ll give our all and repay the faith shown in us.

“That’s obviously what the whole team thinks too. I know this is a very important chance, I’ll do everything to stay in the national team.

“I’ll try to prove myself, it’s the right time for the youngsters.”

The 22-year-old has eight goals and three assists already this season, what’s the reason for the explosion in his form?

“There isn’t one, I’ve grown so much last year and this year. [Toro Coach Sinisa] Mihajlovic made his ideas about football clear right away, and his aggressive and attacking style can be our strength.

“With cutting edge and determination we at Toro can put a lot of teams in trouble.

“Our objective? The Europa League. We want to give great joy to our fans and all who believe in Toro.

“I’m aiming to score as many goals as possible, which is also possible thanks to my teammates who are very strong and can put me in a position to score.”

Belotti was also asked about the US Election, which takes place today.

“I’m following the situation, but there isn't a favourite.”


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