Batistuta to take part in charity friendly in Tuscany

Fiorentina legend Gabriel Batistuta will take to the pitch later this week in a charity friendly following the recent flooding in Tuscany.

At least six people were tragically killed in the central Italy region earlier this month in severe flooding following Storm Ciarán, which also caused millions of euros in damages.

There were concerns that Fiorentina’s tense clash with Juventus on November 5 could’ve been postponed following the flooding, but the match ultimately went ahead at the Stadio Artemio Franchi.

As highlighted by TMW, Batistuta will take part in a charity friendly – the ‘Metti in campo il cuore per la Toscana’ event – at Empoli’s Stadio Carlo Castellani on November 18. Proceeds from the match will go to help those impacted by the recent flooding.

Various other celebrities will also take part in the friendly, including Paolo Vallesi, Ubaldo Pantani, Niveo, Andrea Maestrelli, LDA, NDG, Il Tre, Moreno il Biondo, Ludwig, Piccolo G, Aka7, Cricca, Pierpaolo Pretelli, Shade, Sergej, Crytical and i Gemelli di Guidonia.