‘Banega staying at Inter’

Ever Banega’s agent assures the midfielder will stay at Inter this summer – “everything is going well”.

The Argentinian international joined from Sevilla last summer, but initially struggled to adapt to Serie A football.

However, after four goals and two assists in his last three games, the 28-year-old will not be moving on at the end of the season.

“His future will be in Milan,” Marcelo Simonian confirmed to Tuttomercatoweb.

“Everything is going well with Inter.”

Ever Banega’s agent assures the midfielder will stay at Inter this summer – “everything is going well”.

The Argentinian international joined from Sevilla last summer, but initially struggled to adapt to Serie A football.

However, after four goals and two assists in his last three games, the 28-year-old will not be moving on at the end of the season.

“His future will be in Milan,” Marcelo Simonian confirmed to Tuttomercatoweb.

“Everything is going well with Inter.”

Argentina were beaten 2-0 by Bolivia in La Paz last night, but Simonian defended the performance of his client.

“I don’t understand certain criticisms, Ever was one of the best. It was impossible to play in those conditions, at such a high altitude and on a bad pitch. The bounce was uneven.

“Banega played a good game, he shouldn’t be criticised. He fought to the end and never gave up.”