Balotelli ‘will stay with Italy’

Mario Balotelli will stay with the Italy squad despite more fitness problems ahead of Tuesday’s game with Armenia.

The striker was not even in the stands for last night’s 2-2 draw in Denmark, as he was suffering from a temperature and stomach problems.

Today he resumed training in Florence, but managed only a couple of jogs round the ground before going back in.

Mario Balotelli will stay with the Italy squad despite more fitness problems ahead of Tuesday’s game with Armenia.

The striker was not even in the stands for last night’s 2-2 draw in Denmark, as he was suffering from a temperature and stomach problems.

Today he resumed training in Florence, but managed only a couple of jogs round the ground before going back in.

“The player will stay with us,” said Professor Enrico Castellacci. “It’s impossible right now to say what his chances are of playing on Tuesday.

“It is encouraging that he returned to training after five days out, but he is debilitated by gastroenteritis. We will evaluate his condition day by day.”