Balotelli offered to Napoli?

There are reports that Mino Raiola offered Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli to Napoli last night.

The forward is expected in France today to take a medical with Nice, but the Ligue 1 club have yet to agree a deal with the Reds.

According to Radio Crc, Balotelli’s agent called Partenopei President Aurelio De Laurentiis last night to offer his client.

Maurizio Sarri is not thought to be keen on the Italian international, but De Laurentiis proposed a loan which could be terminated in December if Super Mario is not in condition.

There are reports that Mino Raiola offered Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli to Napoli last night.

The forward is expected in France today to take a medical with Nice, but the Ligue 1 club have yet to agree a deal with the Reds.

According to Radio Crc, Balotelli’s agent called Partenopei President Aurelio De Laurentiis last night to offer his client.

Maurizio Sarri is not thought to be keen on the Italian international, but De Laurentiis proposed a loan which could be terminated in December if Super Mario is not in condition.

However, Balotelli was not open to that option, so the transfer is extremely unlikely to happen.