‘Balotelli could return to Liverpool’

Mario Balotelli's agent reveals that a return to Liverpool is 'possible' at the end of his Milan loan.

The Italian left on such bad terms with the Reds that many believed his return to the Rossoneri to be definitive, with the contractual differences purely a formal matter to be settled.

But his agent Mino Raiola reminded fans that the deal is still just a loan, and that the player is due back, especially now that Liverpool have replaced Coach Brendan Rodgers with open-minded Jurgen Klopp.

Mario Balotelli's agent reveals that a return to Liverpool is 'possible' at the end of his Milan loan.

The Italian left on such bad terms with the Reds that many believed his return to the Rossoneri to be definitive, with the contractual differences purely a formal matter to be settled.

But his agent Mino Raiola reminded fans that the deal is still just a loan, and that the player is due back, especially now that Liverpool have replaced Coach Brendan Rodgers with open-minded Jurgen Klopp.

Raiola, himself an influential figure in the European football business, stated that a return to the Premier League club for the next season was a real option.

“In theory it's possible, that's what his contract says,” he told Sky Sports. “He's a Liverpool player and in June he should return to England.

“I don't know if Klopp is thinking of using Mario for his project, we haven't discussed the matter. It's early, but if Balotelli does what he knows best then they could change their minds about him.

“He had no room to develop under Rodgers and we were forced to leave.

“Mario's qualities are beyond dispute but it's important to have a Coach who believes in you and who gives you a chance to show what you're worth. When the time comes, we'll discuss the matter with Klopp.”