Balo: ‘Great debt to Miha’

Mario Balotelli says he owes Milan Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic ‘a great debt’ for ‘exposing himself’ by re-signing the striker.

The Italy international returned to the Rossoneri yesterday after a disappointing season-long spell in the Premier League with Liverpool.

“The Coach has known me since I was a kid,” the 25-year-old said to Gazzetta dello Sport.

“The problem has never been quality, but character.

Mario Balotelli says he owes Milan Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic ‘a great debt’ for ‘exposing himself’ by re-signing the striker.

The Italy international returned to the Rossoneri yesterday after a disappointing season-long spell in the Premier League with Liverpool.

“The Coach has known me since I was a kid,” the 25-year-old said to Gazzetta dello Sport.

“The problem has never been quality, but character.

“People always hear a lot of things about me, every aspect is exaggerated and quite rightly he wanted to look into my eyes and understand if I had the right motivation.

“He listened to me without being influenced by what was said, and for that I’m already grateful to him.

“I told him that I understood my errors. That if he gave me this chance I wouldn’t let him down. That I will give him everything I have.

“That I’m a man now and I don’t create problems. That I will accept every decision he makes.

“The Coach is a leader – tough, honest, frank, loyal. He doesn’t bluff.

“He speaks to you by looking straight into your eyes, which I like. He looks at the man, not just the footballer.

“He has exposed himself by taking me back. I have a great debt to him.

“The ‘yes’ from Berlusconi was the biggest surprise of all. I would’ve never expected it.

“When he called me a ‘rotten apple’, that was taken out of context. I’ve never been a rotten apple.

“I was a child and now he will find a man. And I will repay his faith.”