Ballardini: I want a job…

Davide Ballardini is frustrated after failing to land a job with a Serie A club over the summer months.

The tactician was shown the door at Genoa at the end of last season even though he managed to keep the struggling outfit in the top flight.

Davide Ballardini is frustrated after failing to land a job with a Serie A club over the summer months.

The tactician was shown the door at Genoa at the end of last season even though he managed to keep the struggling outfit in the top flight.

“I have a great desire to get back to work,” the 49-year-old told Radio CRC. “I don’t understand why I’m never given the chance to start a season with a club…”

You have to go back to 2009 for the last time that the 49-year-old was put in charge of a side from Week 1.

His last three appointments – at Genoa, Cagliari” data-scaytid=”8″>Cagliari and Genoa again – all came after his predecessors were axed mid-season.

Ballardini has also coached Pescara and Palermo in his career.