The Corriere dello Sport is today suggesting that next season’s Serie A will begin on the weekend of August 25 and 26.

There were whispers circulating last week that the championship would begin on August 19 or even on Wednesday 22 August.

However, the Rome-based daily is now claiming that the new top-flight campaign will kick-off the week after.

The Corriere dello Sport is today suggesting that next season’s Serie A will begin on the weekend of August 25 and 26.

There were whispers circulating last week that the championship would begin on August 19 or even on Wednesday 22 August.

However, the Rome-based daily is now claiming that the new top-flight campaign will kick-off the week after.

It’s being suggested that the season will have three midweek rounds.

The footballing authorities were considering an earlier start than usual in an effort to give Italian clubs a better chance in European competitions.

Italian sides generally struggle in Europe at the start of the campaign because championships in other countries get a head start.

This season’s Serie A should have begun on August 28, but Week 1 was postponed so the championship didn’t get underway until the second week in September.

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