Atalanta President Antonio Percassi reassures supporters that Napoli target Gian Piero Gasperini will remain. ‘We’re working on the final details.’

The coach has been in Bergamo for eight years and his current contract runs to June 2025, but he is in discussions to further extend it by two or even three years.

There will also be an improved salary, having won the Europa League, and guarantees to reinvest funds into making an even more ambitious squad.

Gasperini had been courted by Napoli, who turned back to Antonio Conte after the coach had positive talks with Atalanta.

Percassi confident for Gasperini stay

Those were also directly with President Percassi, who spoke to Sky Sport Italia today.

“Of course, of course,” he replied when asked if Gasperini will stay.

“We are working on the final details.”

As well as winning the Europa League, which is the first ever UEFA tournament and only the second piece of silverware in the club’s history, this season Atalanta also reached the Coppa Italia Final and secured Champions League qualification.

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