ASL of Turin: ‘Juve-Napoli not at risk’

Carlo Picco, director of the local health authority in Turin, said the match between Juventus and Napoli ‘is currently not at risk’.

The director of the ASL of Turin was contacted by CalcioNapoli24 Live about the match between the Bianconeri and the Partenopei, scheduled for Wednesday.

The match was initially postponed due to coronavirus back in October, when the Azzurri were blocked from travelling to Turin by the local health authorities in Naples.

Carlo Picco, director of the local health authority in Turin, said the match between Juventus and Napoli ‘is currently not at risk’.

The director of the ASL of Turin was contacted by CalcioNapoli24 Live about the match between the Bianconeri and the Partenopei, scheduled for Wednesday.

The match was initially postponed due to coronavirus back in October, when the Azzurri were blocked from travelling to Turin by the local health authorities in Naples.

Juventus currently have Leonardo Bonucci and Merih Demiral out with COVID-19 and Il Corriere dello Sport reported a third possible case at Continassa.

“At the moment, the game is not at risk,” Picco told CalcioNapoli24. “The doctors are only at work to verify the presence of any other positivity in the Juventus group.”