Arab investors for Milan?

An Arab consortium is interested in offering €300m for a 30 per cent share in Milan, according to reports this morning.

Following the reported interest of Thai investor Bee Taechaubol, the latest rumours indicate that a group of Arab businessmen could come on board.

Tuttosport reports that the consortium, which is said to include members of the Mansour family, which owns Manchester City, has been in talks with Silvio Berlusconi about making an investment.

An Arab consortium is interested in offering €300m for a 30 per cent share in Milan, according to reports this morning.

Following the reported interest of Thai investor Bee Taechaubol, the latest rumours indicate that a group of Arab businessmen could come on board.

Tuttosport reports that the consortium, which is said to include members of the Mansour family, which owns Manchester City, has been in talks with Silvio Berlusconi about making an investment.

The newspaper believes that no offer has been made as yet, but the group is looking to slowly increase a stake in the Rossoneri eventually having a controlling interest.