Amauri: ‘Napoli for Scudetto!’

Former Juventus striker Amauri admits “I’m cheering for Napoli” in the Scudetto race.

The Brazilian-born Italian international spent three seasons in Turin, but scored just 10 goals in 56 games in the latter-two campaigns.

“The Scudetto?” Amauri considered in an interview with Calciomercato.

“I don’t know who will win, but I can say I’m cheering for Napoli.”

Former Juventus striker Amauri admits “I’m cheering for Napoli” in the Scudetto race.

The Brazilian-born Italian international spent three seasons in Turin, but scored just 10 goals in 56 games in the latter-two campaigns.

“The Scudetto?” Amauri considered in an interview with Calciomercato.

“I don’t know who will win, but I can say I’m cheering for Napoli.”

Amauri moved from Palermo to Juventus for €22.8m in 2008, and discussed rumours that current Rosanero man Franco Vazquez could make the same move.

“Vazquez would gain from a move to Juventus or Milan. Without a doubt if he went to Juventus he’d be luckier than me.

“When I went to Turin I arrived at a club that was under reconstruction, something that wasn’t in my favour in my experience at Juventus.”

Finally, Amauri discussed Palermo’s controversial President Maurizio Zamparini, who has made eight Coaching changes this season.

“I can only speak well of Zamparini,” the forward said.

“It makes me smile when I think back to the winter break in 2008 when the team went to a training camp in Seville.

“After we came back from Spain we lost badly at Sampdoria, and in the following days the President came to see us.

“He brought gift packages for everyone, saying he wanted to remind us of the bad impression we made in Genoa.

“I never opened that package…

“That’s how Zamparini is. He’s volcanic, but he’s launched many talents and obtained great results with Palermo.”