Juventus Coach Massimiliano Allegri warns the Scudetto race won’t be over if his side goes seven points clear.

The Bianconeri currently have a four-point advantage and face relegation-battlers Crotone tomorrow as their game in hand.

“We have a tough run-in, we have the derby in the fourth-last game and in the third-last game we have to go to Roma,” Allegri pointed out in his pre-match Press conference.

Juventus Coach Massimiliano Allegri warns the Scudetto race won’t be over if his side goes seven points clear.

The Bianconeri currently have a four-point advantage and face relegation-battlers Crotone tomorrow as their game in hand.

“We have a tough run-in, we have the derby in the fourth-last game and in the third-last game we have to go to Roma,” Allegri pointed out in his pre-match Press conference.

“So there’s still a long way to go in the League. We’re lacking a lot of wins, I repeat: at the moment 86 points won’t be enough to win the League. We have to take it a game at a time.”

The Old Lady have won every game since switching to 4-2-3-1, will it be a permanent change.

“I expected it, because a change is a novelty and brings something new, then you get good results and that brings certainty.

“We have to keep improving in terms of our play. In football it’s not like if you have eight defenders you’ll defend better and concede fewer goals, it’s about having balance and sacrificing for each other.

“To win a Scudetto… let’s just say I’ve never seen a team win a title without sacrifice, without being willing to work off the ball, to fight for every ball.

“You can win one game, or maybe two [without doing that], but to win consistently you need a certain mentality.”


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