Max Allegri insists he is happy with Alexandre Pato's performance and not concerned by Inter. “Nobody thought they were out of the Scudetto race.”

Milan's lead at the top of the table now stands at five points, but the Nerazzurri have a game in hand and climbed to third place.

“Are we worried? No more than we were before. Nobody thought they were out of the Scudetto race, especially not me,” said the Coach.

Max Allegri insists he is happy with Alexandre Pato's performance and not concerned by Inter. “Nobody thought they were out of the Scudetto race.”

Milan's lead at the top of the table now stands at five points, but the Nerazzurri have a game in hand and climbed to third place.

“Are we worried? No more than we were before. Nobody thought they were out of the Scudetto race, especially not me,” said the Coach.

“We are going into the toughest and most important time of the season. There are 15 games to go and we have to notch up many more victories to reach the title.

“If Milan are to win, then we must remain concentrated only on ourselves. I am satisfied that we're top of the table with a five-point advantage over Napoli and a ‘virtual' four points on Inter.

“More than seeing what the others are doing, I prefer taking it one game at a time in Serie A, the Coppa Italia and Champions League, without looking too far on to the horizon. Besides, it's more fun when a League is balanced.”

Antonio Cassano is expected to partner Zlatan Ibrahimovic against Genoa on Sunday, as some in the media have criticised Pato's recent performances.

“He is fine and happy, so there is no Pato controversy,” assured the tactician. “He is young and has extraordinary quality, so he just needs to learn, much like everyone else.

“Let's not forget he hasn't played much due to injury, but still scored eight Serie A and goals and two in the Coppa Italia. He simply requires more concentration and over time the rapport with Ibra will improve.

“Mario Balotelli? I have Pato and will keep hold of him. He'll do well in the end, like all the others who have suffered injuries.”

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