Allegri: ‘Crotone matters more’

Juventus Coach Massimiliano Allegri insists “of the two games we have this week, the most important and the most decisive is tomorrow” at Crotone.

The Bianconeri face their Scudetto rivals Napoli in Turin on Sunday night, but first they travel south for a midweek clash with the Squali.

“Of the two games we will have to face this week, I think the most important and the most decisive is tomorrow,” Allegri insisted in his pre-match Press conference.

Juventus Coach Massimiliano Allegri insists “of the two games we have this week, the most important and the most decisive is tomorrow” at Crotone.

The Bianconeri face their Scudetto rivals Napoli in Turin on Sunday night, but first they travel south for a midweek clash with the Squali.

“Of the two games we will have to face this week, I think the most important and the most decisive is tomorrow,” Allegri insisted in his pre-match Press conference.

“To go into a head-to-head match six points ahead is an advantage that we can say is important.

“Then there’s another fact, that after going six clear on Sunday I heard talk of the Scudetto already being won, of celebrations.

“Until the maths says so you don’t have it, and to have the maths on our side we need wins.

“Tomorrow we go to Crotone, who first of all are a good team because they didn’t deserve to lose to Genoa and most of the points they have came at home.

“They have six points more than they did last year, and playing there is always difficult. We struggled there last year, so we need patience and to make sure we don’t fall into the trap of getting caught on the counter-attack.

“We have to come away with three points, the lads gave a good response after Madrid with the right match against Sampdoria, but tomorrow we need three more points, because what we have isn’t enough for the Scudetto.

“Moreover, Napoli have only one objective this season so they’ll do everything to re-open the title race and win it. By contrast we have the Coppa Italia too, but in any case we can’t let the league get away from us.”

Medhi Benatia has provoked a storm with his spat with Italian comedian Maurizio Crozza, and Allegri was also asked to comment on that.

“Judging from outside is never easy, it’s been a week where everyone has talked about the post-game, many have ridden on the wave of that, but that’s enough now.

“Now we have to talk little, be quiet, and keep our heads down because we have two objectives to achieve, the Scudetto and the Coppa Italia.

“These things do nothing but waste energy on our part, and right now we need to put all the energy we have on the pitch.

“Off the pitch they can say whatever they want to say, it absolutely shouldn’t affect us because it’s done now. It also doesn’t solve any problems.

“Now the only thing that matters is winning the league and the Coppa Italia, the rest counts for absolutely nothing.

"As far as fines go it's up to the club, they'll take care of it.

"As I said, right now we need to shut up, put our earplugs in and not waste energy with these things.

"Unfortunately life is like that: you say something, we're part of the spectacle and people jump on it. But we don't have to let people keep jumping on these things.

"That's enough, it's been a week since Madrid. It's over. I don't want to hear anything more about it.

"I think he [Benatia] will play tomorrow, because Chiellini will be rested."

Gonzalo Higuain is one booking away from suspension, could he be rested tomorrow in case he misses Napoli?

“I don’t give a damn about the booking,” Allegri shrugged.

“If Higuain is fit he will play tomorrow, because the match to win is tomorrow’s, not the one with Napoli on Sunday or whenever it is, Sunday evening. I don’t even know when we’re playing it.

"He's fine. Yesterday he stopped the last training session before the end, but I don't think it's anything to worry about.

"And if he's fit then he'll play."