Allan said goodbye to Napoli teammates and fans after completing his transfer to Everton. ‘I am grateful to have worn this glorious jersey.’

The midfielder spent most of his career in Italy, first at Udinese and from 2015 with Napoli, but was sold today for €25m plus bonuses.

“Naples is a special city,” wrote the 29-year-old on Instagram alongside a picture of him kissing the Coppa Italia trophy his team won in June.

Allan said goodbye to Napoli teammates and fans after completing his transfer to Everton. ‘I am grateful to have worn this glorious jersey.’

The midfielder spent most of his career in Italy, first at Udinese and from 2015 with Napoli, but was sold today for €25m plus bonuses.

“Naples is a special city,” wrote the 29-year-old on Instagram alongside a picture of him kissing the Coppa Italia trophy his team won in June.

“These have been five fantastic years for me and my family: my children speak, think and dream in Neapolitan.

“I am therefore grateful to President De Laurentiis who allowed me the chance to wear this glorious jersey. I grew up in this club, as a professional and a man, able to work with coaches and professionals I will always be grateful to.

“I was fortunate to find along this journey some teammates who were also like brothers. The last season was difficult. But the victory in the Coppa Italia was the best way, the right way, to close an experience where I felt like a protagonist.

“A special thanks goes to the fans: it was a privilege and an honour to be, over these years, your very own ‘Neapolitan Mastiff.’ I send them my biggest embrace. Allan.”


Napoli è una città speciale. Per me e per la mia famiglia sono stati 5 anni fantastici: i miei figli parlano, pensano e sognano in napoletano. Sono grato, perciò, al presidente De Laurentiis che mi ha dato la possibilità di indossare una maglia gloriosa. In questo club sono cresciuto come professionista e uomo e ho potuto lavorare con allenatori e professionisti a cui dovrò sempre essere riconoscente. Sono stato fortunato a trovare, sul mio cammino, dei compagni di squadra che sono stati dei fratelli. L’ultima stagione è stata difficile. Ma la vittoria della Coppa Italia è stato il modo migliore, il più giusto, per chiudere una storia di cui mi sono sentito protagonista. Un grazie speciale ai tifosi: è stato un privilegio e un orgoglio essere, in questi anni, il loro “Mastino Napoletano”. A loro, il mio abbraccio più grande. Allan

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