Demetrio Albertini is “astounded” that former teammates Simone Inzaghi and Vincenzo Montella became fine Coaches. “Strikers are egotistical.”

The pair face off on Sunday afternoon when Lazio host Milan.

“They were two centre-forwards and I am astounded they became Coaches at all, because strikers are egotistical, they live for the goal and play instinctively,” Albertini told the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

Demetrio Albertini is “astounded” that former teammates Simone Inzaghi and Vincenzo Montella became fine Coaches. “Strikers are egotistical.”

The pair face off on Sunday afternoon when Lazio host Milan.

“They were two centre-forwards and I am astounded they became Coaches at all, because strikers are egotistical, they live for the goal and play instinctively,” Albertini told the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

“For someone who thinks like that, it is difficult to transfer your ideas to the rest of the team. Instead, they are both doing really well.

“I will admit there is a quality Coaches need that they have always shared: great passion for the sport.

“Simone has been able to recover players who had seemed lost, such as Keita Balde Diao, Felipe Anderson and Stefan de Vrij. His Lazio are always a solid outfit.

“As for Vincenzo, I am impressed by his desire to always have his teams play the ball. This is an important match, both for morale and because points at this stage do make a difference later on.”

Unlike his former Lazio and Italy teammates, Albertini was a midfielder, so what does he make of the current crop at the Olimpico?

“Lucas Leiva has very different characteristics to my style of football, but Inzaghi will be able to get a lot out of him. Lucas Biglia is similar to me in some respects – he’s even slow like me, but what matters in that role is having a quick mind.”

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