Agent: ‘Zaza didn’t choose West Ham’

Simone Zaza’s agent reveals “we didn’t choose West Ham” and confirms the striker wants a Serie A return.

The Italian international left Juventus this summer to join the Hammers on a loan deal which would have become permanent after 14 appearances.

However, Zaza failed to settle in England and has been allowed to return to Juve without his clause being activated.

“We don’t know anything yet, we still have no official news,” Antonio Zaza, Simone’s father and agent told JuveNews.

Simone Zaza’s agent reveals “we didn’t choose West Ham” and confirms the striker wants a Serie A return.

The Italian international left Juventus this summer to join the Hammers on a loan deal which would have become permanent after 14 appearances.

However, Zaza failed to settle in England and has been allowed to return to Juve without his clause being activated.

“We don’t know anything yet, we still have no official news,” Antonio Zaza, Simone’s father and agent told JuveNews.

“We’ll have to see what happens. Simone has a great desire to return to play in Italian football, and we have to choose the most suitable destination for him and for Juventus.

“He won’t stay at Juventus, because that would be counter-productive. For them, but especially for us because he wouldn’t find much space.

“Is he disappointed that Juve didn’t trust him? Look, don’t make me answer that… it’s too delicate a question.

“Now we’re trying to bring Simone back to Italy because he loves this country. We didn’t choose West Ham.

“No-one forced us, but Simone never wanted to go abroad, he loves Italy and Serie A. A series of circumstances led to him going to the Premier League…

“Now he’s gone and we look to the future.”

Fiorentina, Milan and Lazio have all been linked with a January move, and Zaza is leaving the door open.

“We’re talking about great teams so I’d love to be contacted by them. I can’t say anything though, because Juventus will have the final say.”