Former Inter star Adriano’s troubled career took another downward turn today, as Corinthians terminated his contract.

The striker was among the best in the world when he shone for the Nerazzurri, while he also played in Serie A for Parma, Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”4″>Fiorentina and Roma.

Former Inter star Adriano’s troubled career took another downward turn today, as Corinthians terminated his contract.

The striker was among the best in the world when he shone for the Nerazzurri, while he also played in Serie A for Parma, Fiorentina and Roma.

However, he has suffered from injuries and psychological issues that saw him go AWOL for a brief period in April 2009 and consider giving up sport altogether.

Today Corinthians announced they had terminated his contract by mutual consent a year after his arrival, having notched up just two goals in eight games for the Brazilian club.

Adriano had been frozen out due to ‘unacceptable’ fitness levels. “He did not train the way I wanted him to during the week. He had no intensity, quality, desire or effort,” declared Coach Tite.

L’Imperatore turned 30 in February and has played for Flamengo, Sao Paulo and Corinthians in his career outside Italy.

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