Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis clarifies he hasn’t yet asked UEFA for permission to play in Bari, with the San Nicola as a ‘precaution’.

The Partenopei owner claimed in an interview with Corriere dello Sport that he’d asked to move the club’s Champions League matches over 250km east to the San Nicola.

The mayors of both Naples and Bari have come out against the plans, while UEFA insisted they received no such request.

“I have to take precautions,” De Laurentiis clarified, speaking to Sky.

Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis clarifies he hasn’t yet asked UEFA for permission to play in Bari, with the San Nicola as a ‘precaution’.

The Partenopei owner claimed in an interview with Corriere dello Sport that he’d asked to move the club’s Champions League matches over 250km east to the San Nicola.

The mayors of both Naples and Bari have come out against the plans, while UEFA insisted they received no such request.

“I have to take precautions,” De Laurentiis clarified, speaking to Sky.

“I have to protect the fans, what’s worse than having a work-in-progress stadium? Where the timing for the work hasn’t yet been established or defined?

“Every time, every year, this stadium isn’t viable because it’s only ready at the last minute. Even this time we had to list Palermo’s stadium as an alternative to register for the Champions League.

“Having bought Bari, and seeing this beautiful stadium made before the 1990 World Cup by Renzo Piano, I thought that maybe, if we still had a lack of solutions for the San Paolo, I’d ask UEFA to give me the opportunity to play in Bari one day if the San Paolo isn’t ready.

“I’ll protect the fans, I’ll provide, what, 500 buses? 1000? They’ll be at Napoli’s expense, the fans don’t have to worry because they’ll never be deprived of the opportunity to follow Napoli.”

De Laurentiis also discussed Carlo Ancelotti, following the defeat at Sampdoria before the international break.

“Ancelotti is not up for discussion. I won’t allow myself to comment on the work of a great Coach, these things take time.

“Everyone wants to win and do it immediately, but even [Cristiano] Ronaldo at Juve hasn’t scored yet. Recoveries can be made in the second half of the season.”


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