ADL: Insigne needs to change

Napoli owner Aurelio De Laurentiis believes Lorenzo Insigne must “change his attitude” and assures Carlo Ancelotti “can stay for another 10 years.”

Ancelotti was reported to be considering his long-term future at Napoli, while Insigne’s own commitment to the club has been questioned in recent months.

Napoli owner Aurelio De Laurentiis believes Lorenzo Insigne must “change his attitude” and assures Carlo Ancelotti “can stay for another 10 years.”

Ancelotti was reported to be considering his long-term future at Napoli, while Insigne’s own commitment to the club has been questioned in recent months.

“In recent days I’ve seen it all in important newspapers, even if no-one reads newspapers anymore,” continued De Laurentiis in his interview with Sky Sport Italia.

“I didn’t fight with Ancelotti, he can stay here for another 10 years. In cinema, my relationships, like my one with [director Carlo] Verdone, last a long time.

“I’m all for the exclusives, when you want everything right away but get it all wrong.

“Insigne’s an excellent sportsman, but he must stay calm, change his attitude and lay off certain things.

“He’s always had an attitude of discomfort in Naples. I understand him, I protect him and I like him a lot, but he’s always found his situation in Naples to be uncomfortable.

“Therefore, I just want to say that he needs to calm down and become a more peaceful person, but that’s his problem. Neither Raiola nor Ancelotti can resolve that.

“He’s a great player and he can be in good form or bad form. If he’s less so, it’s up to the Coach not to play him.

“Insigne can’t come out cracking jokes or with an attitude almost of challenge. The Coach is a family man, 60 years old, and won’t tell you to get lost because he’s three times your age.

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“Give him time to understand what Italy’s like. Ancelotti will know how to use him in the best way.

“I asked Carlo to use the entire squad. After that, he’ll realise which players give him more guarantees.

“I’m glad everyone appreciates Di Lorenzo now. People said he wasn’t a top player…

“Milik, on the other hand, is a great player, he’ll find the way to the goal.”