Acerbi writes open letter to Lazio fans: ‘There is one thing I can’t accept…’

Francesco Acerbi wrote an open letter to Lazio fans insisting that his professional integrity and commitment to Lazio can’t be questioned.

The Italy defender was spotted laughing at himself after a poor clearance that led to Milan‘s late winner at the Stadio Olimpico on Sunday. Acerbi had already justified his action on social media after the match but made his voice heard again with an open letter to Lazio fans. published by Il Corriere dello Sport.

Here’s the full translation:

“The match against Milan was a blender of emotions and frustrations for everyone and so, after an initial reaction dictated by instinct, I decided to take 48 hours to reflect and find the right words to share my thoughts and feelings with an open heart,” he wrote.

“I do not expect them to be shared, but the hope that at least they will be heard and understood.

“Unfortunately, for a few months, I have been living a personal situation that I never expected to live. I feel a sense of loneliness which hurts me on a human level.

“By this, I do not mean to point the finger at anyone: it is my personal feeling that surely can not leave me indifferent, on and off the pitch. But in a moment of difficulty, my family gives me balance and serenity to face everything with my head held high.

“The common misconception towards footballers is that our work and our earnings make us immune to the emotional states – positive and negative – that characterise the normality of a human being.

“For this reason, we tend to judge a player as if he was without emotions and feelings, which are often very strong and contrasting in our work. We are often wrong, but we are human beings. It is right to remember it always.

“I have never escaped my duties and responsibilities because I am a man and a father, even before being a footballer. This is why I have always accepted the burden of my work, well aware that criticism is part of the game.

“What I can not accept are the doubts about my personal and professional integrity, my seriousness and my commitment to defend the colours of Lazio, with or without the captain’s armband.

“After the game with Milan, I read and heard absurd insinuations that I can not and I do not want to accept. And even the fact that I’m here to defend my integrity and my professionalism hurts me deeply.

“I’m not perfect, I’m not a robot, but I’m a serious person and a loyal footballer. That should never be questioned. I don’t forget every moment of these years at Lazio, where I represented a point of reference. I received esteem, affection, and support, managing to wear the captain’s armband with pride. I will always carry these memories with me, no criticism can erase all I have received these years.

“Of course, I am sorry for everything that has happened in the past and for the tensions over the last period. I apologised for making mistakes, for excessive impulsiveness and for lack of lucidity.

“The future, as far as I am concerned, is the next game with the Lazio shirt, the one I have always honoured and worn with pride. I would like to turn the page, all together, at least to end the season in the best way, with dignity and mutual respect.”