La Gazzetta dello Sport

Exclusive Commisso

‘My Viola healthy and strong’

‘Football is sick, and it never changes. I don’t envy those who win only thanks to debt’

Spalletti on target

Tonali-Frattesi and Ricci playmaker. Italy have rediscovered a playing style.

Il Corriere dello Sport

Friedkin: Champions bet

Roma, 12 coups and 111m invested in the market. Pellegrini stops: alarm sounds.

Baroni strengthens Lazio: Gila, Gigot, and Castrovilli. Three signings to end depth issues.

Chapeau: it’s another national team

From the Euro flop to the great reborn in France: Spalletti and the 4 keys to the comeback


The great return and the new face: Spalletti’s turnaround

Long live Italy of Tonali and Ricci. Maignan’s case

The Milan keeper blames his teammates: ‘Only two Azzurri would be starters for us.’

Tomorrow in Budapest against Israel

How Koop will get Juve

The Dutchman works hard under Thiago to get back in shape. Danilo calls from Brazil: ‘I am fit…’

Torino‘s fans: ‘Go, Vanoli, Cairo, go away!’

3,000 pump the coach and the players up. ‘We want a president.’ Ginetis recovers. Belotti at Superga

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