The doctor helping to treat Juventus midfielder Nicolo Fagioli for his self-admitted gambling addiction has said that there will probably be many others involved in the unfolding betting scandal, suggesting that is a ‘statistical fact’. 

Paolo Jarre, the doctor entrusted to help Fagioli through his recovery, recently gave a feature interview to La Gazzetta dello Sport, where he addressed the topic of gambling in football, while also providing an update on the suspended Bianconeri midfielder.  

Jarre told La Gazzetta that Fagioli has conducted himself well since they first met, and explained that he ‘has a flat tire, but not a puncture’. 

“It’s the first time I’ve followed a high-level footballer and I could have expected a superficial person, maybe even arrogant. Instead, from the first session, Nicolo seemed kind and polite. Almost reserved, but not closed off. Subdued, but present,” Jarre told La Gazzetta.  

He continued: “Most importantly, he is aware that he is in a bad situation and aware of having put his career in danger with betting. He has a flat tire, but not a puncture. Obviously I can’t go into more personal aspects, I’m a doctor.”

Jarre was asked whether Fagioli had considered leaving professional football altogether as the betting scandal unfolded, but that was never a realistic possibility: “No, he never told me that. And I don’t think he has ever even thought about it. Nicolo was aware from the first game that he could be in for a long suspension.” 

“I told Nicolò about Paolo Rossi, who, like him, had been betting and found guilty of having committed a sporting offence. But, after the ban, he managed to win a World Cup as a central figure. 

“The European Championships are in June and the suspension will be over. Nicolo has already made his debut for Italy and Euro2024 can become an important piece of motivation in our therapy. I am optimistic.” 

Jarre was insistant that Fagioli’s gambling days are starting to be put behind him and that he categorically does not bet anymore. 

“He doesn’t gamble anymore, and that’s important. But, as I tell Nicolp and all my patients, it is a real disease. And it must be treated.”

Then, Jarre explained that it is only right to expect that there will be more footballers out there suffering with gambling addictions. 

“Regardless of Corona or not, I believe that these three cases are just the beginning of the betting affair. There will probably be many others, it is a statistical and social fact and does not only revolve around footballers.”

One thought on “‘There will be many others’ – Fagioli’s doctor on betting scandal”
  1. These gamblers are cheats and could be fixing games to secure their bet wins! Which in turn means that teams could be gaining or losing points ‘unnaturally’…. ruining the Beautiful Game 😔
    Kick them out of footy 👊

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