Torino winger Demba Seck could reportedly face criminal charges after allegedly threatening an ex-partner with compromising videos.

La Repubblica Torino via TMW details how Turin public prosecutor Enzo Bucarelli has asked for charges to be filed against the 22-year-old Senegalese forward after his former partner filed a criminal complaint with the Turin Carabinieri for threats and alleged revenge porn.

The case dates back to January 25, when a shop assistant filed the complaints after being sent compromising videos of herself and threats on WhatsApp, allegedly sent by Seck, who was briefly in a relationship with the victim.

The courts in Turin now have to decide whether to accept the request and move forward with the case or not.

The victim explained the situation to the Carabinieri back in January, saying: “Until September (2022, ed.) we spoke sporadically on Instagram, then he invited me to one of his matches. We saw each other another seven to eight times until October.

“We ate out and I often slept at his place, we had sex but without entering into a stable relationship romantically. All the relations took place at Seck’s house.

“On October 20 I decided to end the relationship, I realised I had been taken for a ride. He only wanted sex from me, I wanted a different kind of relationship.”

Following her decision to break things off, Seck allegedly tried to contact her on WhatsApp numerous times but was ignored. This is when he is accused of sending the compromising videos and threats to the victim.