La Gazzetta dello Sport

My Inter play goals

The goalkeeper and his first Milan derby

‘Music for me, I always study Leao and Thuram will become a star’

Milan hold on totem

Why Giroud and Kjaer (70 years old combined) are the souls of the Devil

Doping suspension and extortion, Pogba from one process to another

Il Corriere dello Sport

Exclusive: Francesco takes central stage at the Italian Padel Awards

Roma, even now’

Totti: I miss it a lot, I speak to Mou, he is unique

‘Perhaps, I’ll be back already in one year’s time. José a great man and coach. Lukaku and I would have fought with everyone’

Bonucci’s interview heats up the eve of Juve-Lazio

‘I was humiliated’

‘All fake news about me. I go ahead with the legal battle. I had the right to end my black-and-white career with dignity. I left twice because of one man.’

Inzaghi challenges Pioli

Inter still without Frattesi, Milan with Kjaer in defence

Garcia’s choice, Napoli rotations

Tour de force from Genoa, a lot of solutions

Zaccagni agitates Lotito and Lazio

The agent: ‘Like Milinkovic, it won’t end up well’ then the U-turn


‘Leo, what are you saying?’

Bonucci’s interview infuriates Juventus and fans

Coaches and directors have a different view and highlight contradictions

Last chapter of the controversial split. The defender accuses: ‘The Bianconeri don’t say the truth, I feel humiliated.’ But dates and appointments emerge from Continassa. Pogba is in court in Paris today. Counter-analysis on Tuesday

Dybala and Roma want to swear eternal love

‘Juric is Torino‘s Mourinho’

Croatia’s CT, former Ivan’s teammate: ‘He’s a perfectionist, like José he thinks of Torino even when he sleeps. Vlasic will explode with him and perhaps he will replace me…’

Stramaccioni ahead of Inter-Milan

‘Thuram’s so good! And Leao without Ibra…’

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