Italian Minister for Sport Andrea Abodi has condemned Roma coach Jose Mourinho and the fans for their attacks on referee Anthony Taylor. ‘Defeat can NEVER justify unacceptable attitudes and language.’

The aftermath of the Europa League Final defeat on penalties to Sevilla is destined to rumble on for some time, as UEFA have charged Mourinho with using insulting and abusive language towards the English official.

He repeatedly criticised Taylor’s performance in interviews and press conferences, then was caught on camera hurling abuse at him in the car park of the stadium.

The next day, Roma fans recognised Taylor and his family in the Budapest airport lounge and screamed insults, some even throwing a chair, as they were ushered away by security.

“We always say: sport educates everyone in how to lose,” wrote Minister for Sport Abodi on social media.

“There are defeats that hurt, that we consider to be unjust, in sport and in life, but this can NEVER justify unacceptable attitudes and language, especially from protagonists who are professionals.”

It remains to be seen whether UEFA will take further action against Roma for the behaviour of their supporters in the airport, because the charges so far only relate to what happened on the night of the Europa League Final inside the stadium.

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