Former Italy captain Giorgio Chiellini struggled to fight back tears during a live interview with Sky Sport Italia about Gianluca Vialli: ‘He put the national team ahead of his health.”

The former striker died in London this morning, aged 58. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2017.

“A great person who would not like to see us cry, he has left us so much in these years as a teammate, a coach, a director, a husband and father,” Chiellini told Sky Sport Italia.

During the interview, the former Juventus and Italy captain struggled to hold back his tears. Vialli was Italy’s delegation chief at Euro 2020 and inspired the Azzurri during their winning path.

“He leaves us with so many values to bring forward,” continued Chiellini. “He was always able to find the right words and touch your heart. The link with Mancini on and off the pitch will remain forever.”

Vialli and Mancini spent several years together at Sampdoria, winning the first and only title in the history of the Blucerchiati in 1990-91.

“Vialli was a generous person who took care of others. He was the last captain to lift the Champions League for Juventus and a club legend. He embodied values of passion, generosity and altruism.

“The importance of the role, the shirt, the fact that it was hard to enjoy victories [at Juventus] are things that I’ve also noticed during my career.

“We don’t like cameras inside the dressing room, we want to keep it secret, but I am happy that the documentary was shot during the Euros so everyone can see his role and know him more.

“It’s nice to remember Gianluca for everything he gave us,” he continued. “He leaves us too early, but he leaves us a lot.”

Chiellini remembered a time when Vialli was practising free kicks at Coverciano, at the end of 2021.

“I hugged Gianluca and told him: ‘Let’s try to get to the World Cup, it’s just one year away. But his [Vialli’s] reply shocked me a little, he said: ‘I hope I’ll get there too.’

“This explains how he managed to face the thing with a smile, he didn’t fear talking about it [the illness] and in the end, he made you understand the real values

“Think that he couldn’t even come to celebrate in Rome because he had to continue treatment. You can understand how disappointed he was. He had made a great effort not to leave us earlier. This was Gianluca, he put the national team ahead of his health. We will always bring him into our hearts.”

Chiellini’s interview was so touching that it ended with Sky Sport Italia’s journalist in tears.

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