According to La Repubblica newspaper, only 200-300 Fiorentina fans will be at the Stadio Meazza on Sunday following Milan‘s error in the ticket sales.

Fiorentina director Joe Barone hit out at the Diavoli, saying that they had been disrespectful by allowing their fans to buy entrances for the away sector of the Stadio Meazza for Sunday’s match between Milan and Fiorentina.

According to La Repubblica, only 200-300 Fiorentina fans will be in the away sector on Sunday, while the rest of the stadium, which will be sold out with over 75,000 fans, will be coloured in red and black.

Fiorentina ‘angry’ at Milan over tickets chaos

Milan put all the tickets on sale without restrictions, so their fans were allowed to buy entrances also in the sector dedicated to Fiorentina fans.

Barone was not the only one to make his voice heard, as both Accvc and Atf, the two groups that gather Fiorentina ultras, have protested with official statements.

“The situation is quite incredible as Milan fans bought tickets for the away sector once the rest of the stadium was sold out.

“Many Fiorentina fans have organised their trip, waiting to buy their tickets, hoping to find a solution to this bad story.”

11 thought on “Milan vs. Fiorentina ticket scandal explained: how many Viola fans will be at San Siro”
  1. As a Milan fan I don’t like this at all.

    I know the demand for tickets at the San Siro is extremely high atm and we’re coming down to the end of the season but we have to maintain that balance of ensuring fairness and sportsmanship towards the end.

    How would Milan away fans feel if that was done to them in these final run of games? Be it a technical/manual/deliberate error or not, we owe Fiorentina a proper apology and maybe some free tickets to the away sector next season.

  2. Milan should give fans who bought tickets in the away sector a refund and compensation. It’s not the fans’ mistake Milan made a mistake. I hope there will be a fair resolution to this. Thank god this wasn’t the CL final..

  3. This is incredibly petty and entitled by Milan(but that’s hardly surprising).

    I’m sure the neutrals will be going into this game with a very Kevin Keegan attitude towards Milan.

    We’d LOVE it if they beat you. LOVE IT.

  4. This should be resolved immediately by Milan!

    As a Milan fan I want to see Fiorentina fans take part at this match even if it means Milan pay from it pocket!

    Undo the mistake asap!

  5. As a Milan fan, I am disappointed by this and very sorry for the Viola fans.
    They deserve to have the right to buy tickets and come support their teams.
    Hope this will be resolved.

  6. The solution is simple. Just contact the Away section fans who are from Milan and refund their tickets. Then exclusively allow those seats to be sold for Fiorentina fans like usual.

    Just keep a list of all the fans who have bought tickets, just in case Fiorentina cannot fill out the away section.

    They still have 2 days to resolve this issue. Should be plenty of time. Unless Italian bureaucracy is truly as slow and unresponsive as they say it is…

  7. @Jack,

    Italian bureaucracy is slower and much more unresponsive than they say it is. lol That’s the worst part. Milan owes fiorentina and apology and give the away tickets for free after the mess up. Its the least we can do to apologize.

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