Sinisa Mihajlovic was on the verge of tears during his pre-match press conference today as he recalled the experience of the war in the ex Yugoslavia.

The Serbian tactician spoke at a press conference today on the eve of the Rossoblu game against Salernitana. As a man who experienced the civil war in his country, Mihajlovic was asked what he felt by seeing the images of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The former defender was moved to tears and had to leave the press conference after giving his anwer.

“The other day I read a sentence saying when the war is rich against the rich, poor people die,” he said.

“I am certain that war cannot and must not be the only way to solve problems. I remember I won the Championship’s Cup [with Red Star Belgrade] when it was happening in my country.

“When my country was bombed [by the UN], I won the Scudetto with Lazio. At that time, I wished my training sessions could last 24 hours, that my games would last all day long because just in those moments, I didn’t think about war and bombings and everything that was going on.

“Only in those moments, I was happy despite the war. When those moments were over, it was a mess. I remember I could not hear from my parents for two weeks and had no idea if they were alive or dead.

“On TV, I would see the aircraft taking off from the UN base in Italy and I would phone my mum to tell her to hide underground when I could.

“After one month, we don’t need to talk about war any longer and it shouldn’t be like that because people get used to it and don’t care anymore if there is a war far away.

“That is why we all have to contribute to peace and try to make this was cease as soon as possible. This is bigger than all of us…”

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4 thought on “Video: Russia-Ukraine war moves Mihajlovic to tears”
  1. Well he didn´t spoke when his folk (serbs) were killing people in Sarajevo and Srebrenica!
    If you read serbian papers then you realise that they are supporting Putin. Just talk!

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