Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora has revealed he is working to bring fans back in September, claiming it would be ‘too difficult to organise’ it prior to the end of the current campaign.

The Minister has urged to continue the cautious approach that has ‘allowed us to resume’ and has pointed out that him, the Minister of Health and the Technical and Scientific Committee are working on reopening for spectators in September.

Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora has revealed he is working to bring fans back in September, claiming it would be ‘too difficult to organise’ it prior to the end of the current campaign.

The Minister has urged to continue the cautious approach that has ‘allowed us to resume’ and has pointed out that him, the Minister of Health and the Technical and Scientific Committee are working on reopening for spectators in September.

“The health emergency forced us to block everything, then we gradually managed to start again,” Spadafora said during Question Time in Parliament. “Our caution allowed us to resume, eventually competing again.

“Today, confronting the Minister of Health and the CTS, we should continue on this line of prudence that has allowed us to reopen sports activities and, if anything, prepare to have all the conditions in order to reopen the stadiums in September.

“Allowing tens of thousands of fans to attend sports competitions. It’s true that there will be conditions to allow a limited number of fans to enter the stadiums, but the danger would be to allow 10,000 or 12,000 spectators to enter in the same place.

“It would be necessary to understand how to manage this flow. We are now a bit more that two weeks away from the end of the end of the championship and it would be difficult to organise this together with the Federation and the Leagues.

“My commitment is to implement this plan for September."

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