Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero says he wanted Maurizio Sarri as Coach before he was appointed by Napoli.

In 2015, the Blucerchiati were looking for a successor for Sinisa Mihajlovic at the same time as the Partenopei were trying to replace Rafa Benitez.

They ended up appointing Walter Zenga as boss, with then-Empoli Coach Sarri heading for the San Paolo.

“You always compare Sarri to Giampaolo,” Ferrero commented to reporters.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero says he wanted Maurizio Sarri as Coach before he was appointed by Napoli.

In 2015, the Blucerchiati were looking for a successor for Sinisa Mihajlovic at the same time as the Partenopei were trying to replace Rafa Benitez.

They ended up appointing Walter Zenga as boss, with then-Empoli Coach Sarri heading for the San Paolo.

“You always compare Sarri to Giampaolo,” Ferrero commented to reporters.

“I wanted Sarri before he went to Napoli. My collaborators made a deal with me, I trusted them and they chose someone else.”

Following the departures of Zenga and Vincenzo Montella, the Marassi President is now pleased to have Marco Giampaolo on board.

“I was lucky enough to get Sarri’s teacher ad that is Marco Giampaolo.

“Our boss does two training sessions. The boys are happy and bring athleticism to our football.”

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