Silvio Berlusconi is quoted as being “very disappointed” by the new Milan ownership as “new sponsors were planned which never arrived”.

The former Italian Prime Minister sold the Rossoneri to Yonghong Li’s consortium in April, after 30 years at the helm.

In an interview which will be broadcast tonight, Il Cavaliere said that watching the team now makes him feel bad, but Gazzetta dello Sport is carrying purported quotes to staff behind the scenes.

Silvio Berlusconi is quoted as being “very disappointed” by the new Milan ownership as “new sponsors were planned which never arrived”.

The former Italian Prime Minister sold the Rossoneri to Yonghong Li’s consortium in April, after 30 years at the helm.

In an interview which will be broadcast tonight, Il Cavaliere said that watching the team now makes him feel bad, but Gazzetta dello Sport is carrying purported quotes to staff behind the scenes.

“I’m very disappointed,” Berlusconi is quoted as saying by the newspaper.

“I see that the deal with the new owners isn’t the one that was initially taken for the the good of the team.

“New sponsors were planned which never arrived.”

It should be noted that there is a general election next year, in which Berlusconi is standing as the leader of his Forza Italia party, so he's very much in campaign mode.


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