Giorgio Chiellini says he feels no malice toward Luis Suarez, and explains why it’s good that Juventus are hated.

The centre-back gave a long interview to France Football, in which he discussed the Champions League tie with Monaco and the strength of the Bianconeri defence.

Giorgio Chiellini says he feels no malice toward Luis Suarez, and explains why it’s good that Juventus are hated.

The centre-back gave a long interview to France Football, in which he discussed the Champions League tie with Monaco and the strength of the Bianconeri defence.

One of the defining images of the 33-year-old’s career is his tussle with Edinson Cavani, with the defender yanking on the Napoli striker’s hair and receiving an elbow to the face.

After the game though, the pair shook hands and laughed about their duel.

“Let’s say I was just jealous of his long hair…” Chiellini joked.

“Being more serious, I like coming up against great strikers, I’ve always liked to face the best.

“An example would be Zlatan Ibrahimovic, the most formidable striker I’ve ever seen. I often played against him in Serie A, and Ibra was the top.

“He’s always made the difference wherever he’s gone.

“Being bitten by Luis Suarez? It should have earned him a red card, which is what I was saying to the referee.

“Afterward though I felt no rancour toward him, and I even thought the heavy suspension he got was a bit much. For me, what happened during the game stopped at the final whistle.

“When I saw him in the Champions League quarter-final I greeted him with no problem, I was only thinking about the Barça game.”

Chiellini was then asked about his teammates, Gonzalo Higuain, Paulo Dybala and Mario Mandzukic.

“I had the chance to mark all three of them before they came to Turin. Gonzalo is a striker with incredible strength in his legs and he’s almost impossible to control in the box.

“He’s really good in his movement and he’ll seize upon the tiniest error. He’s also really technically good and he can hit it with either foot.

“Paulo can destabilise a defence at any moment with a gesture, a dribble, an unpredictable action.

“As for Mario, his speed and his strength end up reducing a defender to his basics. If you have to mark him, you’re completely exhausted when the game finishes.

“In this team there’s a lot of technique, but also the ability to play physically and a spirit of sacrifice. With what he shows on the pitch, Mario is the symbol of this Juve.”

The centre-back was then asked if it becomes tiring being the most hated team in Italy.

“The truth is that when someone wins, dominates, there’s always antipathy,” Chiellini replied.

“It’s the loser who gets sympathy. That was proven to be the case when Inter started winning everything and we spent a year in Serie B.

“Fortunately we’ve become very unsympathetic again, which is a sign that we’re once again a dominant team.”

Chiellini started his career as left-back, and says his idol was Milan legend Paolo Maldini.

“Paolo was my idol, my model. Clearly he had different characteristics to me: very technical, super-elegant, a player of an incredible level.

“He was effective on the flank for a lot longer than me. For me, the position of left-back is one where I played to start my career.

“Given my physical and technical characteristics, it was logical for me to move to the centre-. Since the age of 28 I’ve always played in the middle.”

Finally, Chiello was asked what he’ll do when he hangs up his boots.

“I haven’t fixed a date to retire. I feel even better than I did two or three years ago. I will see year on year, with the idea of continuing as long as I’m at the top and I’m not left with my tongue hanging out after every match.

“After that? I’d like to stay in football, but not as a Coach. It’s too much stress and there’s too much to manage off the pitch.”


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