“The objective of the Croatia fans was to suspend the game and UEFA are convinced of that too,” claim the FIGC.

Sunday’s Euro 2016 qualifier at San Siro was halted for 10 minutes due to persistent throwing of flares and fireworks from the Croatia supporters.

“The objective of the Croatia fans was to suspend the game and UEFA are convinced of that too,” claim the FIGC.

Sunday’s Euro 2016 qualifier at San Siro was halted for 10 minutes due to persistent throwing of flares and fireworks from the Croatia supporters.

Calm was restored after riot police charged into the curva, but UEFA announced an investigation into both Italy and Croatia for their responsibilities.

“The objective of the Croatia fans was to suspend the game and UEFA are convinced of that too,” claimed FIGC director general Michele Uva.

“The only reason they failed in their objective was the work of the Italian police. Admittedly, those fireworks should not have entered the stadium. For the next at-risk games, the checks at the gate have to be improved.”

There are still 16 arrested Croatia fans in custody in Milan.

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